Accessing the 5th dimension with Elizabeth Joyce1
Alexander technique27
Animal Communication28
Art therapy20
Aura therapy30
Bach flower35
Bowen therapy66
Breast Cancer - Mark Sircus Ac., OMD1
Breast Cancer early detection method3
Buteyko Breathing Therapy (BBT)48
Cancer - Heart disease - AIDS, Matthias Rath M.D.1
Cancer cure by Dr. Tullio Simoncini1
Categories under review121
Chromotherapy - Colour Therapy2
Craniosacral therapy56
Crystal healing78
Donna Fertility Testing Method1
Dorn Method14
Educational Institutes106
Environmental Medicine and Health3
Enzyme therapy11
Essential oils30
Feldenkrais method19
Feng shui50
Flotation therapy13
Flower essences59
Folk medicine31
Hawaiian Huna Massage3
High Intensity Focus Ultrasound HIFU4
Indian head massage75
Jaffe-Mellor technique (JMT)2
Jin Shin Do3
Jin shin jyutsu56
Journey therapy53
Kampo - Japan's traditional herbal medicine0
L.I.E.S.H. Therapy for breast + skin cancer1
Life coaching62
Louise L. Hay philosophy39
Low intensity laser therapy4
Maggot Debridement Therapy (MDT)5
Meridian energy therapy (EFT)102
Meridian energy therapy - Thought Field Therapy40
Meridian energy therapy EmoTrance10
Meridian energy therapy FREEWAY-CER3
Meridian energy therapy REMAP process1

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Low intensity laser therapy
  Low intensity laser therapy uses light of specific wavelengths placed on the skin surface that penetrate tissue, and stimulate malfunctioning cells. This causes various intracelluar reactions which accelerate the body's natural healing process. It can be used to treat a wide range of medical conditions such as back, neck and knee pain, arthritis, sports injuries, plantar faciitis, tinnitus, tendonitis, fibromyalgia, burns, wound healing, frozen shoulder, rotator cuff injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome, muscle soreness/strains etc. Patients experience a decrease in pain and inflammation and pharmaceutical use, leading to and increase in range of motion and mobility, and restoration of activities and sleep patterns. Laser therapy is safe, non-invasive, with no side effects.

The use of light to treat ailments dates back as far as ancient Greece. In theory, our body's are similar to a plant carrying out photosynthesis. We use the energy from the sun and light, and convert it to biochemical energy in order to do the body's work of healing. Using lasers as a form of light energy was discovered in Hungary in the 1960's, and researched and developed throughout Eastern Europe and the Western world since. Laser therapy is used by medical professionals and sports organizations throughout the world with positive and dramatic results.

Introduction by Jessica McCallum

Latest development:

The Laser Touch One (LTO), developed by Dr. Okky Oei, is a pain relief device that combines Low Intensity Laser with Electrical Stimulation.

A clinical study conducted recently compared LTO to TENS and LLLT medical devices.
Participants had self-reported pain at levels of 6 to 10 of chronic neck and shoulder pain.

LTO achieved pain reduction of at least 2 points in 93.1% of participants. This compares to 83.3% for TENS and 62.5% for LLLT devices.

The FDA has approved LTO as a class II medical device.

For the full clinical study and to order a LTO in the USA please contact Wendy of Lase Med Inc of Oklahoma listed below.

United States 1. Cleared by the FDA for over-the-counter consumer use, the LaserTouchOne (LTO) is the only pain relief device on the market that combines two proven therapies: low-level laser and micro-current electrical stimulation. Research has shown that these two therapies promote the body?s natural healing process at the cellular level.

I´ll be glad to send you a clinical study that proves 93% efficacy of the LTO. Please mention when you contact me.

Wendy Simmons
LASE MED Inc. of Oklahoma
500 N Poplar Ave, Ste A
Broken Arrow, OK 74012
(918) 398-9577
(918) 398-4488 fax

website e-mail
Ireland 2. We practice low intensity laser therapy for a variety of medical conditions such as arthritis, sports injuries, back and neck pain, fibromyalgia, headaches.
Jessica McCallum, Total Laser Health, Dublin

website e-mail
Australia 3. Laser Therapy is one of the most effective treatments for Musculo-skeletal pain. It can be used clinically or in home-use, and has additional benefits for Acupuncture and Cosmetic treatments.

website e-mail
United States 4. In our practice, the low intensity laser is used for almost every client and condition with great results! Our laser handles addictions, fat loss, appetite suppression, stress reduction, chronic pain therapy, wound & nerve healing, fights acne, skin rejuve, heals bruises, inflammation, & cold sores.
Bella Medica Laser Center, McHenry, Illinois.

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Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis - cure needed!2
Neural Depolarization2
No Hands Massage6
Oral Medicine, Natural Dentistry + Stomatology2
Past life therapy64
Permaculture - Paraguay1
Personal Development Method LTA1
Pranic healing21
Process acupressure11
Prostate Cancer therapies2
Psychic healing46
Psycho neuro-immunology + Psycho neuro-endocrinology3
Reconnective Healing by Dr. Eric Pearl64
Rosen Method Bodywork18
SCENAR, self-healing stimulation from Russia35
Scientific Research18
Siddha, medicine of South India6
Sound Healing54
Spiral Release Bodywork1
Spiritual healing144
Sweat lodge8
Tai Chi59
Thalasso therapy9
Theta Healing13
Tibetan Medicine2
Traditional Chinese Medical Divination1
Traditional Chinese Medicine69
Unani, Greek-Arabic medicine17
Vibrational Healing and DNA1
WWW for therapists: website, blog, seo, ppc1
Yoga Jnana1
Yoga Sahaja1
Yoga Samadhi + Sankalpa Shakti2
Yoga Sapta1
Yoga Satyananda3
Yoga Vedanta0

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