The Origin of AIDS: Bio-warfare – is AIDS part of it?
by Martha Magenta and Wilfrid Hartnagel, exlusive for
Today, the firstday of December 2006, the AIDS epidemic is officially 25 years old. AIDS haskilled 20 million people worldwide. 40 million more are currently infected withthe human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) – one million of these are Americans andalmost half of the new cases are African-American.[i] 95% of infected people live indeveloping countries; South Africa has the highest rates of infection, Indiathe second highest, and the Caribbean the third highest rates of HIV.[ii] Thisarticle pursues the question: Is AIDS a man made virus?
When you repeatlike a parrot what everybody else says, then you are considered to be anexpert. I am not an expert, so I won’t tell you that a green monkey in Africalured some gay men into the jungle and made a virus jump species – and all thisyears after AIDS had already broken out in New York and San Francisco. I willtell the truth, the cold, investigated truth.
Let me present mywitnesses to make the case:
WilliamCampbell Douglass, M.D.
Education: BS,University of Rochester, New York; MD, University of Miami School of Medicine;Graduate, U.S. Navy School of Aviation and Space Medicine
Career: U.S.Navy, 7 years — Flight Surgeon. In practice for over 25 years. Former statepresident, Florida, American College of Emergency Physicians. On Board ofGovernors of the National Health Federation. Doctor of the Year: NationalHealth Federation, 1985.
Dr. Douglass hasstudied in England with Dr. Katharina Dalton, discoverer of the premenstrualsyndrome. He was one of the first doctors in the United States to diagnose andtreat PMS. He opened his PMS Clinic in 1981.
Dr Douglasspresents his data:
“A shortvirology lesson will help you understand that AIDS is indeed an animal virusand that it was laboratory-made as a weapon of biological warfare against thefree world.
A basic rule ofvirology is that if two viruses have the same shape, design and size, then theyare almost certainly the same virus (a very simple and easy to understandrule).
For example, thisvirus:
< InsertDouglass’ diagram section>
For example, this virus:
… a virus of bacteria (bugs have diseases, too),doesn’t look anything like this virus:
… a virus of ticks that’s transmitted to pigs,or this virus:
… which is found in horses. The AIDS virus,which “couldn’t have come from animal viruses” is almost certainly a recombinantvirus from fusing a cattle virus, bovine leukemia virus:
…with sheep visna virus:
You combine the two in human tissue culture cellsand you get bovinevisna virus:
… A VIRUS THAT HERETOFORE DID NOT EXIST — aproduct of man, engineered in a laboratory. Now, if you isolate the AIDS virusfrom an infected human, it looks like this:
It doesn’t look like this (the tickvirus):
… or this (the cattle virus):
It looks like THIS:
… therecombinant virus from cattle and sheep AND ITS CALLED AIDS. You don’t have tobe a genius to understand this. Any properly instructed 10-year-old canunderstand it ….” [iii]
AlanCantwell, J.R., M.D.
Dr Alan Cantwellis a dermatologist and scientific researcher in the field of cancer and AIDSmicrobiology. He is a graduate of New York Medical College, and studieddermatology at the Long Beach Veteran’s Administration Hospital in Long Beach,California. He was a member of the Dermatology Department at the SouthernCalifornia Permanente Medical Group in Hollywood from 1965 until his retirementin 1994.
In 1994 his book QUEER BLOOD won the Benjamin Franklin Book Award for literaryexcellence.
For more than 40 years Dr. Cantwell has been a cancer researcher who believesthat cancer is caused by bacteria (not viruses). For the past two decades hisresearch also points to AIDS as a man-made disease. There is probably no otherphysician on the planet whose cancer and AIDS publications are ascontroversial.
In 1984 (the yearHIV was identified) his best-selling book AIDS: THE MYSTERY AND THE SOLUTIONwas published, showing the presence of cancer-associated bacteria in thisdisease. And in 1990, THE CANCER MICROBE: The Hidden Killer in Cancer, AIDS,and Other Immune Diseases, was published documenting a century of vitallyimportant and suppressed research into the bacterial cause of cancer. His othertwo books, exclusively on the subject of man-made AIDS, are AIDS AND THEDOCTORS OF DEATH: An Inquiry Into the Origin of the AIDS Epidemic; and QUEERBLOOD: The Secret AIDS Genocide Plot. All these titles are published by AriesRising Press, Los Angeles. [iv]
Dr Cantwell hasgiven kind permission to re-publish the following article:
AIDS: A Doctor’s Note on theMan-Made Theory
By Alan Cantwell, J.R.,M.D.
When AIDSofficially began in 1981 the public was told that anal sex, drugs, andhomosexuality were at the root of the new “gay plague.” The firstcases were all young, predominantly white, and previously healthyhomosexual men from Manhattan who were dying mysteriously from “gaypneumonia” and “gay cancer” in the form of Kaposi’s sarcoma. Theassociation with homosexuality was so remarkable that the disease was initiallytermed GRID (“gay-related immune deficiency”). To this day, gays arestill blamed for the spread of AIDS into the U.S. population.
When the diseasefirst broke out, a new virus was suspected, but officials reassured “thegeneral public” there was nothing to worry about. Of course, the healthexperts were wrong. Now most of the world’s AIDS cases are heterosexuals. TheAIDS virus (HIV) can also be transmitted vaginally; and one does not need to bea drug abuser, a promiscuous person or a homosexual to contract AIDS.
The Green Monkey Theory
Where did HIVoriginate? Prominent cancer virologists and government epidemiologists havetheorised that HIV originated in African green monkeys. Purportedly the monkeyvirus “jumped species” and entered the black population. From thereit migrated to Haiti and Manhattan. After the virus entered the blackheterosexual population in the late 1970s, it rapidly spread to millions ofblacks because of transfusions with HIV-infected blood, dirty needles,promiscuity and genital ulcers — or so the experts said.
Not allscientists believe the official monkey story, although it is rare to findpeople who express this view publicly. One persistent underground rumor is thatAIDS is biological warfare. Proponents of the AIDS conspiracy theory believethat AIDS has nothing to do with green monkeys, homosexuality, drug addiction,genital ulcerations, anal sex or promiscuity, but that it has to do withscientists experimenting on blacks and gays: in short, AIDS is genocide. MostAfrican-Americans have heard the story that HIV is a manufactured virusgenetically-engineered to kill off the black race. Thirty percent of New YorkCity blacks polled by The New York Times (October 29, 1990) actuallybelieve AIDS is an ethno-specific bioweapon designed in a laboratory to infectblack people.
Despite thegeneral acceptance that HIV came from monkeys and the rain forest, there is noscientific evidence to prove that HIV and AIDS originated in Africa. What istrue is that the first AIDS cases were uncovered in the U.S. in 1979, aroundthe same time that AIDS cases were discovered in Africa. In addition, no storedAfrican tissue from the 1970s tests positive for HIV. And scientists have ahard time explaining how a black heterosexual epidemic centered in Africa couldhave quickly transformed itself into a white homosexual epidemic in Manhattan.
The Gay Hepatitis-B VaccineExperiment
Conveniently lostin the history of AIDS is the gay Hepatitis-B vaccine experiment thatimmediately preceded the decimation of gay Americans. A “cohort” ofover a thousand young gays was injected with the vaccine at the New York BloodCenter in Manhattan during the period November 1978 to October 1979.1 Similar gay experiments were conducted in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Denver,St. Louis, and Chicago, beginning in 1980.2 The AIDS epidemicbroke out shortly thereafter.
The experimentwas run by Wolf Szmuness, a Polish Jew born in 1919. He was a young medicalstudent in eastern Poland when the Nazis invaded the country in 1939. Hisentire family perished in the Holocaust. When Poland was partitioned, Szmunesswas taken prisoner and sent to Siberia.
After the war, hewas allowed to finish medical school in Tomsk in central Russia. He married aRussian woman, had a daughter, and in 1959 was allowed to return to Polandwhere he became an expert in hepatitis.
According to JuneGoodfield’s account of his life in Quest for the Killers, Szmunessdefected from Poland with his family in 1969, arriving penniless in New Yorkwith $15 in his pocket.3 Through scientific connections he foundwork as a laboratory technician at the New York Blood Center. Within a fewyears he was given his own lab at the center and was also appointed Professorof Public Health at Columbia University. By the mid-1970s, Szmuness was a worldauthority on hepatitis, and was invited back to Moscow in 1975 to give ascientific presentation. As a defector he was terrified to set foot back in theSoviet Union, but his colleagues assured him he would have the full protectionof the U.S. State Department. His return to Russia was a scientific triumph.
In the late1970s, Wolf Szmuness was awarded millions of dollars to undertake the mostimportant mission of his life: the Hepatitis-B vaccine experiment. Szmunessspecifically wanted to use gay men to avoid “serious legal and logisticalproblems.”4 For his study he did not want monogamous men,nor men with lovers. He chose only healthy, young, responsible, intelligent,and primarily white homosexuals. The experiment was costly and he didn’twant any uncooperative or hard-to-find gays messing up his experiment. Involvedin the experiment were the Centers for Disease Control, the National Institutesof Health, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, AbbottLaboratories, and Merck, Sharp & Dohme. Szmuness’ experiment was hugelysuccessful, and his vaccine was hailed as having tremendous globalimplications.
The Gay Plague
The links of thegay experiment to the outbreak of AIDS are obvious to anyone who wants to seethe connection. Three months after the experiment began, the first cases ofAIDS reported to the CDC appeared in young gay men in Manhattan in 1979. Thefirst San Francisco AIDS case appeared in that city in September 1980, sixmonths after the Hepatitis-B experiment started there.5 In June1981 the AIDS epidemic became “official.”
Were gay mengiven experimental vaccines contaminated with the AIDS virus? The governmentsays no, but government agencies have a long history of covert and unethicalmedical experimentation, particularly with minorities. Was it simply a quirk ofnature that a virus “out of Africa” would suddenly decimate the mosthated minority in America?
Why did the U.S.government choose Wolf Szmuness, a Soviet-trained doctor and a recent Americanimmigrant to head this dangerous experiment? Goodfield, who has written thedefinitive account of the Hepatitis-B experiment, claims Szmuness has a painfullife. Confined as a political prisoner in Siberia during World War II, he wasrepeatedly interrogated and beaten by the Russian KGB for refusing to cooperatein spy activities. When he could not be broken, they warned him: “Saynothing of this to anyone, but remember. We will reach you anywhere in the world.No matter where you go, no matter where you try to hide, you will never be outof our grasp.”6
The experimentalHepatitis-B vaccine was primarily manufactured by Merck. However, during theexperiment Szmuness was concerned about possible vaccine contamination.Goodfield writes, “This was no theoretical fear, contamination having beensuspected in one vaccine batch made by the National Institutes of Health,though never in Merck’s.”7
After theHepatitis-B experiment ended, Szmuness insisted that all thirteen thousandblood specimens donated by gay men be retained at the Blood Center for futureuse. Due to space requirements, it is highly unusual for any laboratory toretain so many old blood specimens. However, several years later when thisblood was retested for the presence of HIV antibodies, governmentepidemiologists were able to detect the “introduction” and the spreadof HIV into the gay community.
When asked why hewas keeping so many vials of blood, Szmuness replied, “Because one dayanother disease may erupt and we’ll need this material.”8 Afew months after the Hepatitis-B experiment began at the Center, the first AIDScases began to appear in gay men living in Manhattan. And the retesting of gayblood at the Blood Center proved that HIV was first introduced into the gaypopulation of New York City sometime around 1978-1979, the same year Szmuness’gay Hepatitis-B experiment began.9
Was Szmunesspsychic in his prediction that a new disease would appear in the gay community?Or did he actually know or suspect that a new, deadly virus was beingintroduced into the gay volunteers? Unfortunately, the answers to thesequestions can only be surmised. In June 1982 Szmuness died of lung cancer. Inhis eulogy, Aaron Kellner of the Blood Center wrote: “It is the rarephysician who, like Wolf Szmuness, is given the grace to touch the lives ofbillions of people; those living on this planet and generations yetunborn.”10
The African Origin of AIDS
Was HIVintroduced into millions of Africans in the late 1970s during the smallpoxvaccine eradication programs sponsored by the World Health Organisation? It isknown that animal and human cells harbor all sorts of viruses, includingviruses not yet discovered, and animal tissue cell cultures are often used inthe manufacture of viral vaccines. Therefore, the possibility of vaccinecontamination with an animal virus is a constant danger in the manufacture ofvaccines.
Despite the mostmeticulous precautions in production, contaminating animal viruses are known tosurvive the vaccine process. For example, during the 1950s, millions of peoplewere injected with polio vaccines contaminated with “SV-40”, acancer-causing green monkey virus. Such vaccine contamination problems arelargely kept hidden from the public. Yet in spite of the known danger, drugcompanies and physicians always pooh-pooh any suggestion that AIDS could havearisen from animal virus-contaminated vaccines. Animal cancer viruses are alsocontained in fetal calf serum, a serum commonly used as a laboratory nutrientto feed animal and human tissue cell cultures. Viruses in calf serum can becarried over as contaminants into the final vaccine product.
The problem ofvaccine contamination by fetal calf serum and its relationship to AIDS is thesubject of a letter by J. Grote (“Bovine visna virus and the origin of theAIDS epidemic”) published in the Journal of the Royal (London) Societyof Medicine in October 1988. Grote discounts the green monkey theory andquestions whether bovine visna contamination of laboratory-used fetal bovineserum could cause AIDS. Bovine visna virus is similar in appearance to HIV.Grote, a London-based AIDS researcher, writes:
The seriousness of this becomes apparent when weconsider the manufacture of vaccines requires the growth of virus in cellcultures using fetal calf serum in the growth medium. The contamination ofvaccines with adventitious viruses has been of concern for many years and thepresence of virus-like structures in ‘virus-screened’ bovine serum has been reported.It seems absolutely vital that all vaccines are screened for HIV prior to useand that bovine visna virus is further investigated as to its relationship toHIV and its possible causal role in progression towards AIDS.
Millions ofAfrican blacks are reportedly infected with HIV. This large number could neverhave been infected by the simple act of a monkey virus “jumping” overto infect one African in the late 1970s. If that were the case, why don’t wenow have millions of AIDS cases in the U.S.? One logical explanation for themillions of Africans infected is that the vaccines used in the World HealthOrganisation’s mass inoculation programs were contaminated. Was thecontamination accidental or deliberate? It is well-known in vaccine circlesthat the vaccinia (cowpox) virus used in the manufacture of the smallpoxvaccine works well in genetic engineering. Charles Pillar and Keith Yamamoto,authors of Gene Wars: Military Control Over the New Genetic Technology,state: “Researchers have been able to splice genes coding for the surfacecoats of other viruses, such as influenza, hepatitis, and rabies into vacciniavirus DNA. The result: a ‘broad spectrum’ vaccine with a coat of manycolors.”11
In 1985, theRussians caused an international furore by claiming that AIDS was caused byexperiments carried out in the USA as part of the development of new biologicalweapons. Responding to this Soviet accusation, Pillar and Yamamoto admit that”although no evidence has been presented to support this claim, manipulatinggenes to defeat the body’s immune system is quite feasible.”12
In Magic Shots,Allan Chase claims that during the years 1966-1977, the WHO utilised”200,000 people in forty countries — most of them nondoctors trained byseven hundred doctors and health professionals from over seventy participatingcountries — spent $300 million, and used forty million bifurcated vaccinatingneedles to administer 24,000 million (2.4 billion) doses of smallpoxvaccine.”13
On May 11, 1987, TheLondon Times, one of the world’s most respected newspapers, published afront-page story entitled “Smallpox vaccine triggered AIDS virus.”The story suggests that African AIDS is a direct outgrowth of the WHO smallpoxeradication program. The smallpox vaccine allegedly awakened a”dormant” AIDS virus infection in the black population. Robert Gallo,the co-discoverer of HIV, was quoted as saying, “The link between the WHOprogram and the epidemic is an interesting and important hypothesis. I cannotsay that it actually happened, but I have been saying for some years that theuse of live vaccines such as that used for smallpox can activate a dormantinfection such as HIV (the AIDS virus).” The Times story is one ofthe most important stories ever printed on the AIDS epidemic; yet the story waskilled and never appeared in any major U.S. newspaper or magazine.
Despite coverthuman experimentation, vaccine contamination problems, and the geneticengineering of new and highly dangerous viruses, the medical establishment ignoresthe AIDS bio-warfare issue. For example, in the prestigious British MedicalJournal (May 13, 1989), Myra McClure and Thomas Schultz wrote a paper onthe “Origin of HIV” and quickly disposed of the idea that AIDS isconnected to germ warfare. They simply state: “Lack of supporting evidenceprecludes serious discussion of such a bizarre hypothesis. This review dealswith the theories on the origin of HIV that are scientifically plausible.”
Thus, medicalscience ignores evidence suggesting AIDS originated as a secret experiment.Most physicians and microbiologists steadfastly hold on to the illogical andimprobable green monkey theory of AIDS. And the major media remain silent,often dismissing the bio-warfare theory as communist propaganda of the most malicioussort. Forgotten is the connection between the National Academy of Sciences andthe military bio-warfare establishment in the development of biological weaponsfor mass killings.
Creation of a Super Germ
A decade beforethe first cases of AIDS, Dr. Donald M. MacArthur, a spokesman for the U.S.Department of Defense, told a Congressional Hearing that a “supergerm” could be developed as part of our experimental bio-warfare program.This genetically engineered germ would be very different from any previousmicrobe known to mankind. The agent would be a highly effective killing agentbecause the immune system would be powerless against this super-microbe(Testimony before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House ofRepresentatives, Department of Defense Appropriations for 1970, dated July 1,1969). A transcript of this meeting on “Synthetic Biological Agents”records the following comments of Dr. MacArthur:
1. All biological agents up to the present time arerepresentatives of naturally occurring disease, and thus are known byscientists throughout the world. They are easily available to qualifiedscientists for research, either for offensive or defensive purposes.
2. Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probablybe possible to make a new infective microorganism which could differ in certainimportant aspects from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important ofthese is that it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeuticprocesses upon which we depend to maintain our relative freedom from infectiousdisease.
3. A research program to explore the feasibility ofthis could be completed in approximately 5 years at a total cost of $10million.
4. It would be very difficult to establish such aprogram. Molecular biology is a relatively new science. There are not manycompetent scientists in the field, almost all are in university laboratories,and they are generally adequately supported from sources other than theDepartment of Defense. However, it was considered possible to initiate anadequate program through the National Academy of Sciences — National ResearchCouncil (NAS-NRC). The matter was discussed with the NAS-NRC, and tentativeplans were made to initiate the program. However, decreasing funds in CB(chemical/biological) research, growing criticism of the CB program, and ourreluctance to involve the NAS-NRC in such a controversial endeavor have led usto postpone it for the past two years. It is a highly controversial issue andthere are many who believe such research should not be undertaken lest it leadto yet another method of massive killing of large populations… Should anenemy develop it, there is little doubt that it is an important area ofpotential military technological inferiority in which there is no adequateresearch program.
Was the AIDSvirus, or other so-called “emerging viruses” such as Ebola andMarburg viruses, created in bio-warfare laboratories during the 1970s? Duringthe 1970s, the U.S. Army’s bio-warfare program intensified, particularly in thearea of DNA and gene splicing research. Renouncing germ warfare except for”medical defensive research,” President Richard Nixon in 1971 orderedthat a major part of the Army’s bio-warfare research be transferred over to theNational Cancer Institute (where HIV would be discovered a decade later byGallo). That same year, Nixon also initiated his famous War on Cancer, andoffensive bio-warfare research (particularly genetic engineering of viruses)continued under the umbrella of orthodox cancer research. Cancer virologistslearned “to jump” animal cancer viruses from one species of animal toanother. Chicken viruses were put into lamb kidney cells; baboon viruses werespliced into human cancer cells; the combinations were endless. In due process,deadly man-made viruses were developed, and new forms of cancer,immunodeficiency, and opportunistic infections were produced when these viruseswere forced or adapted into laboratory animals and into human tissue cellcultures.14
As predicted bythe bio-warfare experts, new cancer-causing monster viruses were created thathad a deadly effect on the immune system. In one government-sponsoredexperiment reported in 1974, newborn chimpanzees were taken away from theirmothers at birth and weaned on milk obtained from virus-infected cows. Some ofthe chimps sickened and died with two new diseases that had never been observedin chimps. The first was a parasitic pneumonia known as Pneumocystis Cariniipneumonia (later known as AIDS); the second was leukemia.15
Monkey Business
Almost twodecades after the first U.S. AIDS cases were diagnosed, most people stillbelieve the government’s green monkey story; and AIDS educators teach that HIVoriginated in Africa. However, a few cracks in the monkey theory have appearedin print.
A story entitled”Research refutes idea that human AIDS virus originated in monkey,”appeared in the Los Angeles Times (June 2, 1988). In the process ofdecoding the genetic structure of the monkey virus and the human AIDS virus,Japanese molecular biologists discovered that the gene sequences of the twoviruses differed by more than 50% — indicating absolutely no geneticrelationship between the green monkey virus and HIV. The Japanese investigatorsspecifically criticised Myron Essex and Phyllis Kanki of Harvard MedicalSchool, who “discovered” a second AIDS virus in African green monkeysthat was widely heralded in the media. Essex and Kanki’s “second”AIDS virus was later proven to be a contaminant monkey virus traced back to theHarvard researchers own laboratory.
More than adecade earlier, in 1975, Gallo reported the “discovery” of a”new” and “human” HL-23 virus he cultured from humanleukemia cells. Eventually the virus was proven to be three contaminating apeviruses (gibbon-ape virus, simian sarcoma virus, and baboon endogenous virus).Gallo claims he has no idea how these animal viruses contaminated his research.16
If HIV is notrelated to a green monkey virus, what is its origin? On November 13, 1988, TheOrange County Register devoted an entire section of the newspaper to AIDSin Africa. Several African officials were interviewed; all were adamant thatAIDS did not originate in Africa. The theory “is false and has never beenscientifically proved, so why should Africa be the scapegoat?” declaredDr. Didace Nzaramba, director of the AIDS prevention program in Rwanda. The Register commented:
From early on, scientists have speculated that thedisease might have begun in Africa. Researchers in Africa tested old bloodsamples and said they found HIV-infected serum that went back years. In 1985,Harvard researchers, Phyllis Kanki and Myron Essex, announced the discovery ofa new virus isolated in green monkeys that seemed similar to HIV. Eventually,researchers concluded that early blood tests used in Africa were not reliable,and Kanki and Essex said their blood tests probably had been contaminated andthat their results were invalid. But the perception of an African link wasestablished.
Media Disinformation
With thepublication of And The Band Played On in 1987, the media became obsessedwith author Randy Shilts’ “Patient Zero” story. In the popular,award-winning book, a young Canadian airline steward named Gaeton Dugas isportrayed as the promiscuous gay man “who brought the AIDS virus fromParis and ignited the epidemic in North America.” Shilts, who later diedof AIDS, never explained where or how Dugas got his infection.
After a year ofswollen lymph nodes and a rash, Dugas was finally diagnosed withAIDS-associated “gay cancer” in June 1980 in New York City. WhatShilts probably did not know is that when Dugas was diagnosed in 1980, overtwenty percent of the Manhattan gays in the Hepatitis-B experiment wereHIV-positive. This 20% infection rate was discovered after the HIV blood testbecame available in 1985, and after the stored blood at the New York BloodCenter was retested for HIV antibodies (JAMA, Vol. 255, pp. 2167-2172,1986). Remarkably, these gay men had the highest recorded incidence of HIVanywhere in the world for that time! Even in African populations, where AIDShas been theorised to exist for decades, or even millennia, there were neverreports of such a high incidence of HIV in 1980.
Shilts’sensational Patient Zero story quickly became “fact.” Even theAMA-sponsored American Medical News (October 23, 1987) fell for theludicrous story, claiming that Dugas “may have brought AIDS to the UnitedStates.” The media continue to promote unlikely stories about the originof AIDS, always avoiding discussion of the idea that HIV came out of alaboratory, and always pointing the finger to black Africa.
In late 1987, themedia widely reported an “old AIDS case” dating back to 1968. DNAtesting of the blood and tissue was reported as HIV-positive.17 For the last year of his life, “Robert”, a 15-year-old black boy fromSt. Louis, wasted away with a bizarre disease that severely bloated his legsand genitalia. His sexual preference was unknown, but his doctors tried hard toinsinuate the dying boy was gay. At autopsy, internal Kaposi’s sarcoma of therectum was discovered, along with anal warts and lacerations. And afterfingering the dead boy’s rectum, the pathologist noted “a lax analsphincter.” When newer viral identification techniques were reapplied toRobert’s blood in 1990, his blood retested HIV-negative, proving that Robertnever had AIDS.18
In 1990 the mediasensationalised another “old AIDS case,” this time an unmarriedEnglish sailor who died in Manchester in 1959. When his stored tissue remainstested positive for HIV, major newspapers throughout the world used this caseto again discredit the persistent rumor that AIDS was a man-made disease. TheNew York Times (July 24) declared:
The case also refutes the widely publicised chargesmade by Soviet officials several years ago that AIDS arose from a virus thathad escaped from a laboratory experiment that went awry or was a biologicalwarfare agent. The human retrovirus group to which the AIDS virus belongs wasunknown at the time. Nor did scientists then have the genetic engineeringtechniques needed to create a new virus.
In a letter tothe medical journal Lancet in January 1996, this 1959 case was ruled notto be AIDS because the DNA tests were found to be contaminated due to alaboratory error.
Despite thedenial of the Times regarding the laboratory creation of new AIDS-likeviruses, it was common practice during the early 1970s for virologists to alteranimal viruses by inserting them into other animal species and into humantissue cells in culture. Experiments performed at Harvard in the mid-1970s byMax Essex and Donald Francis (two of the best-known AIDS experts) produced AIDSin cats with the feline leukemia retrovirus. In addition, a decade before theoutbreak of AIDS in the U.S., Robert Gallo was engineering cancer-causingretroviruses and studying the effects of viral mutants and their ability tosuppress the immune system. A full description of Gallo’s animal retrovirusresearch activities dating back to 1967 is chronicled in Emerging Viruses,AIDS and Ebola: Nature, Accident or Genocide? by Dr. Leonard Horowitz.19
Secret and Covert
Biological Warfare Research
It is difficult,if not impossible, to determine the truth about global biological warfarecapabilities and their possible effects on world health. The American taxpayeris kept ignorant about U.S. chemical and bio-warfare programs. Scientistsinvolved in bio-warfare research are sworn to secrecy and silence. Thus, “classified”and “top secret” medical experimentation continues to be promoted bypowerful government agencies, such as the CIA, the CDC, the Department ofDefense, the military, and other institutions.
Recentrevelations of horrific radiation experiments conducted on unsuspecting U.S.citizens during the Cold War years up until the 1980s have shocked the nation.Some of this research was conducted at the most prestigious medicalinstitutions in our country. None of the perpetrators have been brought to trial.In light of these revelations, it is inconceivable to think that leading AIDSscientists would be unaware of the connections between their institutionalresearch and the bio-warfare establishment.
Currently,strange and unprecedented diseases are mysteriously appearing in various partsof the world. The peculiar Persian Gulf War Syndrome has sickened over50,000 of our vets who served in Desert Shield/Storm. Their illnesses have beenlargely dismissed by health experts as due to “psychological stress,”even though there is evidence that this new disease is contagious andsexually-transmitted. Nevertheless, government health officials remain silenton these issues.
A few scientistsinsist that some cases of Gulf War Syndrome are related to biological warfareagents. Dr. Garth Nicholson and his wife Nancy, formerly scientists at the M.D.Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, have discovered in the blood of some sickreservists a new infectious microbe (a mycoplasma) that has part of the AIDSvirus spliced into its genetic material! The Nicholsons say: “The type ofmycoplasma we identified was highly unusual and it almost certainly didn’toccur naturally. It has one gene from the HIV-1 virus — but only one gene. Thismeant it was almost certainly an artificially modified microbe — alteredpurposefully by scientists.” (National Enquirer, April 2, 1996).
By censoringcertain aspects of AIDS history, particularly the origin of HIV, we allowdangerous medical experimentation to continue. The New York Blood Center is nowtesting a new vaccine made from a “harmless” canary-pox virus thathas been genetically engineered to carry parts of HIV, the AIDS virus. TheCenter is recruiting HIV-negative gay men by funding Project Achieve, anorganisation designed to test and sign-up young men for the new vaccineexperiment. Homosexual men are lured into the program by posters that featurecute, multi-ethnic gay boys. According to Timothy Murphy of HX magazine,there is a waiting list for the Center’s vaccine experiment. Gay men are urgedto sign-up with Project Achieve at (212) 388-0008.
The enigmatic Dr.Szmuness has been erased from AIDS chronicles. His name does not appear inShilts’ Band, nor in Mirko Grmek’s History of AIDS (1990), or inLaurie Garret’s massive tome on emerging viruses, The Coming Plague (1994).Although his untimely death went largely unnoticed in medical journals, he wasremembered and honored on May 11, 1984, by a small coterie of medical powerbrokers and distinguished scientists who convened at a landmark symposium inthe U.S. capitol. The meeting entitled “Infection, Immunity, and BloodTransfusion” was sponsored by the American Red Cross.20
Paying tribute toSzmuness were top government scientists in AIDS and cancer research, the mostwell-known researchers in animal experimentation, the heads of the mostprestigious biomedical establishments in the country, and the chief executivesof drug companies tied to genetic engineering, vaccine production, andbiological warfare research. Dr. Robert Gallo, who had announced the discoveryof the AIDS virus to the American public three weeks earlier, was one of themost distinguished attendees.
There is anominous link between cancer and AIDS, between animal experimentation and thegenetic engineering of viruses, between biological warfare technology and drugcompanies, between gay experiments and AIDS, between vaccine programs and thecontamination of the nation’s blood supply. Why else would all these peoplefrom diverse areas of science be attending this high level governmentconference?
There is also aconnection between Szmuness’ gay experiment and the outbreak of AIDS thatcannot be denied. This connection is not coincidental or a paranoid fantasy. Itis time for a serious study of the link between covert biological warfareresearch and the initial outbreak of the “gay AIDS plague.” Ignoringevidence pointing to AIDS as a man-made disease makes a sham out of AIDSeducation.
1. Szmuness W,Stevens C, Harley E, et al: Hepatitis-B vaccine; Demonstration of efficacy in acontrolled clinical trial in a high-risk population in the United States. NewEngland J Med 303: 833-841, 1980.
2. Francis D,Hadler S, Thompson S, The prevention of Hepatitis-B with vaccine. Report of theCenters for Disease Control multi-center efficacy trial among homosexual men. AnnalsInt Med 97: 362-366, 1982.
3. Goodfield J:Vaccine on trial. Goodfield J. Quest for the Killers. Birkhauser,Boston, 1985, p. 51-97.
4. Szmuness W:Large scale efficacy trials of Hepatitis-B vaccines in the USA; Baseline dataand protocols. J Med Virology 4: 327-340, 1979.
5. Cantwell, A:The Hepatitis-B vaccine trials (1978-1981). In AIDS & The Doctors ofDeath. Aries Rising Press, Los Angeles, CA, 1988, pp. 65-80.
6. Goodfield, Questfor the Killers, p. 57
7. Ibid, p. 86
8. Ibid, p. 92
9. Stevens CE,Taylor PE, Zang EA, et al: Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type III infectionin a cohort of homosexual men in New York City. JAMA 255: 2167-2172,1986.
10. Kellner A:Reflections of Wolf Szmuness in, Progress in Clinical and BiologicalResearch 182: 3-10, 1985.
11. Piller C andYamamoto K: Gene Wars: Military Control over the New Genetic Technologies.Beech Tree Books/William Morrow, New York, 1988, p. 103
12. Ibid, p. 97
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I will producefurther witnesses, so look out for my updates …
© By MarthaMagenta and Wilfrid Hartnagel 2006.
[i] ‘Is AIDS a manmade virus? Special Report’ Alan Cantwell, J.R., M.D., 2006, Political Gateway, online:
[ii] AIDS, You Think, online:
[iii] ‘Aids as aWeapon of War’ Dr.W. Douglas,Introduction & Comments by Jim Shults, online:
[iv] Aries Rising Press, online:
[v] ‘AIDS: A Doctor’s Note on theMan-Made Theory’ AlanCantwell, J.R., M.D., 1998, online:’s%20Note%20on%20the%20Man-Made%20Theory
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