Accessing the 5th dimension with Elizabeth Joyce1
Alexander technique27
Animal Communication28
Art therapy20
Aura therapy30
Bach flower35
Bowen therapy66
Breast Cancer - Mark Sircus Ac., OMD1
Breast Cancer early detection method3
Buteyko Breathing Therapy (BBT)48
Cancer - Heart disease - AIDS, Matthias Rath M.D.1
Cancer cure by Dr. Tullio Simoncini1
Categories under review121
Chromotherapy - Colour Therapy2
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Crystal healing78
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Educational Institutes106
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Essential oils30
Feldenkrais method19
Feng shui50
Flotation therapy13
Flower essences59
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Hawaiian Huna Massage3
High Intensity Focus Ultrasound HIFU4
Indian head massage75
Jaffe-Mellor technique (JMT)2
Jin Shin Do3
Jin shin jyutsu56
Journey therapy53
Kampo - Japan's traditional herbal medicine0
L.I.E.S.H. Therapy for breast + skin cancer1
Life coaching62
Louise L. Hay philosophy39
Low intensity laser therapy4
Maggot Debridement Therapy (MDT)5
Meridian energy therapy (EFT)102
Meridian energy therapy - Thought Field Therapy40
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Dorn Method
  The Dorn Method - The Gentle Relative to Osteopathy and Chiropractic

A wholistic, effective, safe and Non-Manipulative Therapy to correct Misalignments in the Spine and Joints and a true Self Help Method! >> A Yes to Self Responsibility and a No to Back Pain <<

Developed by Dieter Dorn some 30 years ago in Germany it is now fast becoming the widest used Therapy for Back Pain and many Spinal Disorders in Germany. The Method is featured in numerous books and medical expositions, taught to Medical Students in some Universities, covered by most private Medical Insurances and more and more recognized in general.

However because it is fairly new and not developed by a Medical Professional it is still considered an Alternative Healing Method in the up rise that is meant to stay FREE of becoming a `registered trademark` following the wish of the Founder Dieter Dorn (who is NOT executing his sole right to register this Method as the Founder) this Method must become `Folk Medicine`.

Although `improved` to SMT (Soft manual Therapy based on the principles of the Dorn Method) and put up for Medical acceptance in his books, Dr. Michael Graulich challenges the Medical Community to change their Mindset in various aspects about Manual Therapy.

As of now only licensed Massage Therapists, Non Medical Practitioners (in Germany called Heilpraktiker (Healing Practitioners with Government recognition), Physical Therapists or Medical Doctors are authorized to practice with government license, but luckily the Dorn Method is mainly a True Self Help Method therefore all other Dorn Method Practitioners can legally help others by sharing it in this way. Most Courses however are held by Non Medical People but with Long Experiences and Expertise as Health Consultants. This shows a somewhat liberal and changing attitude of governing authorities and recognized educational Institutions like Universities. (I hope their openness is honest)

The controlling body is an association of around 130 authorized Dorn Method Teachers establishing rules and regulations, guidelines and listings in the Dorn Forum.

A Yearly Dorn Congress is held and guided by Hildegard Steinhauser and Helmuth Koch, two of Dieter Dorn's early students and is becoming a well visited event with many lectures, demonstrations and exhibitions all around the Dorn Method.

Outside of Germany there are only very few (not enough!) authorized Dorn Method Teachers but the numbers are slowly growing as the Dorn Method becomes more widely recognized in other parts of the world.

Open Minded People in Key positions like Government, Health departments, Universities and Conventional Medical Institutions fast accept the undeniable value of the Dorn Method and help to speed up the acceptance procedure and later surely the licensing procedure for the faster and better benefit of the general public. The amount of Dorn Method Practitioners is steadily growing and will help people to cope with one of the most common ailments of modern times: Back Pain!

Introduction by
Thomas Zudrell, Dorn Method Seminar Lecturer

Australia 1. Barbara Simon focuses on back and neck pain solving treatments with Dorn Spinal Therapy, a gentle, effective and fast technique that does not require any cracking or violent movements. You will experience a completely new way of approaching pain relief and the success is on your side. Simple self help exercises will help you staying pain free and manage your back problems yourself without having to go to a practitioner every week.
Back Care Solutions also offers trainings in Dorn Spinal Therapy to health care practitioners as well as interested people wanting to help their friends and family. It is easy to learn and simple to apply, no prior knowledge necessary.

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Germany 2. The Dorn Method - International Information Platform about the Dorn Method including a worldwide free Dorn Method Practitioner Listing, Demonstration Videos, Self Help Exercises, Research Information and free Practitioner Downloads.

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United Kingdom 3. The Dorn Method is a gentle, effective and safe way to correct misalignments of the Spinal Column and other joints, helping relieve back pain, neck pain, headaches, hip, sciatica, shoulder and many more problem areas. A true self help treatment. Brigitte Nath is based in Stratford-Upon-Avon.

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Australia 4. Dorn Treatments and Practitioner Courses
Officialy authorized by Dieter Dorn to lecture Dorn Spinal and Joint Therapy in Australia

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Canada 5. Thousands Dorn patients worldwide have reported substantial relief from chronic or acute back pain after only a few treatments. Azita Wortmann offers Dorn back massage therapy in Toronto, Canada.

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Australia 6. Integrated Health Aus is an integrated health clinic which incorporates the very best of traditional medicine and modern science. Our vision is to build self awareness, inspire and empower individuals to achieve optimum health, well being, performance and vitality . We believe that education and providing the right environment for healing is crucial for achieving these objectives.
Dr Jason Mallia is an advanced Dorn Method practitioner and Co Founder of the Dorn Method Academy of Australia.

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Germany 7. Dorntherapy and Breussmassage courses. General information about the Dornmethod whit therapist directory - english, german, italian - worldwide.

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Singapore 8. Often not only physical but also psychological imbalances are connected to a misaligned spine.
The Dorn Method is a gentle therapy to realign vertebrae and joints, thus promoting harmony and health for all body systems.

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Germany 9. Carsten Kreft: I´ve been teaching the Dorn Method for several years. If you suffer from back pain or other healthproblems or if you are interested in this therapy you can contact me for consultations or further questions by email. Based in Bielefeld.

Turkey 10. Cagla Yuksel, Certified Dorn Method & Breuss Massage Therapist, Licensed Sports Massage Therapist and Reflexolog, SAC. Dip. Diet & Nutrition Advisor

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United Arab Emirates 11. I fell in love with this gentle technique the first time my co-therapist did it on me. It´s so safe you can even do this to pregnant women on their first trimester of pregnancy!
Having learned it from Mr. Thomas Zudrell, it makes me more proud to be a Dorn Method therapist. Let´s DORN it!

South Africa 12. Im practicing as a Dorn therapist in
South Africa , 60 km northwest from Johannesburg. I am qualified as a Clinical Pharmacist, Chinese medicine, Homeopath Travel Medicine, Massage therapy and Unani medicine Practitioner.
Dr Manfred Leibenguth, Schoemansville, Hartbeespoort.

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Australia 13. Structural Bodywork
Massage from relaxation to remedial
Hot Stones treatments Ayrvedic Yoga massage Dorn Method Spinal alignment
Masti practices in Mullumbimby, NSW and also teaches CertIV, Diploma and weekend courses in different massage modalities.
Her approach is wholistic, aligning energy & body

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Turkey 14. Fatih offers treatments with the Dorn method and Breuss massage, as well as private Pilates classes at the Pilates Express Home Studio in Istanbul.

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Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis - cure needed!2
Neural Depolarization2
No Hands Massage6
Oral Medicine, Natural Dentistry + Stomatology2
Past life therapy64
Permaculture - Paraguay1
Personal Development Method LTA1
Pranic healing21
Process acupressure11
Prostate Cancer therapies2
Psychic healing46
Psycho neuro-immunology + Psycho neuro-endocrinology3
Reconnective Healing by Dr. Eric Pearl64
Rosen Method Bodywork18
SCENAR, self-healing stimulation from Russia35
Scientific Research18
Siddha, medicine of South India6
Sound Healing54
Spiral Release Bodywork1
Spiritual healing144
Sweat lodge8
Tai Chi59
Thalasso therapy9
Theta Healing13
Tibetan Medicine2
Traditional Chinese Medical Divination1
Traditional Chinese Medicine69
Unani, Greek-Arabic medicine17
Vibrational Healing and DNA1
WWW for therapists: website, blog, seo, ppc1
Yoga Jnana1
Yoga Sahaja1
Yoga Samadhi + Sankalpa Shakti2
Yoga Sapta1
Yoga Satyananda3
Yoga Vedanta0

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